Xanthorrhoea preissii - Surprising Grass Tree Flower growth!
Have a look at our surprising Grass Tree flower growth!
I started measuring the flower stem growth on the 2nd September. Xanthy started flowering on the 4th November. In this 2 month period Xanthy our Grass Tree has grown an average of 2.25cm per day.

The Grass Tree flower stem growth has now almost stopped and the beautiful little white flowers first appeared on 4th November.
Every day the top of the flower stem has been bending over in different directions. The flower stem then straightens up in the evening and by the following morning it is perfectly straight. When the flowers become more developed the stem will become rigid and remain straight.

A honey bee attracted to the grass tree flowers.

These small white flowers are beautiful when seen up close.
I grew this Xanthorrhoea from a seed and planted Xanthy in this flowerbed 13 years ago. Xanthy will not start growing a stem from several more years but I consider a Grass Tree is just as attractive looking like this and is a great addition to any garden.
Growth measurement on 24th October 2016.
He is now 270cm tall.

Xanthy's total height is now 270cm. Xanthy is averaging 3.25cm per day.
Growth measurement on 2nd October 2016.
He is now 210cm tall.

Flower spike on Xanthy our Xanthorrhoes preissii (Grass Tree) 2nd October 2016. This has grown 112cms in 29 days, average of 3.8cm per day.
Growth measurement at 2nd September 2016, the date I started measuring.

Xanthy our Xanthorrhoea preissii or commonly called a Grass Tree. We were surprised by the amazing flower stem growth up until the 2nd of September. So we decided that we would start measuring the growth every day at 4.30pm.
Growth measurement 16th September 13 days later. Our Xanthy has grown 60cm in 13 days!
He is now 1.7metres tall.

Our Xanthorrhoea preissi has grown 60cm in just 13 days!
Surprising Grass Tree Flower Growth!
3rd - 4th September 9cms.

Xanthy grew 9cm in 24 hours between 3rd September and 4th September. Both the 3rd and the 4th were fine sunny days. The flower spike is 1.22 metres tall.

Showing the flower spike at 1.22 metres tall on th 4th September.
Surprising Grass Tree Flower Growth -
5th September 4cm
Total 13cm in 2 days.

Indicating a 4cm growth on the 5th September.
Surprising Grass Tree Flower Growth! -
6th September 5.5cm
Total 18.5cm in 3 days.

Xanthy's growth by the 6th September, 1.3 metres tall

Xanthy's growth of 5.5cm on the 6th September. Total growth since 3rd September = 18.5cm. The day was fine but cloudy.
Surprising Grass Tree Flower Growth! -
7th September 5cm
Total 23.5cm in 4 days.

Xanthy's growth by 7th September 5cm. Rain over night and nearly all day. Windy and Cold.
Surprising Grass Tree Flower Growth! -
8th September
Total 28cm in 5 days.

Xanthy is now 1.4m tall having grown 4.5cm in the last 24 hours. The day has been clear, cool and sunny.
9th September 4.5cm 10th September 5cm
Total 37.5 cm in 7 days.

Xanthy's growth by 4.30pm on 10th September. The weather has been sunny, cool but with some rain over night.

Xanthy's growth on 9th September. The weather has been bright and sunny.
Xanthy's growth 10th September - 5cm. Total height 1.5metres.